
From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


Ukrtelefilm is a Ukrainian film studio founded in 1965.

1st Logo (1986)

Visuals: Against a lightly shaded wall background, a closeup of a miniature model of the Monument to the Founders of Kyiv statue is shown. On the bottom of the screen, the company name in a 3D format with it having no fill wipes in from the left.

Technique: Traditional animation.

Audio: The opening theme of the film.

Availability: Only appeared on Жменяки.

2nd Logo (1986-12 May 1997)

Visuals: A golden version of the same monument is shown on a black background. After it fades in, the company name in capitalization, white, and red lateral faces fade in below.


  • The earliest version of the logo features the monument against a partily lit gray background with a white sun near the top center. The company name is in a different font, resembling Arial Black.
  • The placement of the text may vary.
    • On the text's earliest appearance, it is positioned lower underneath the sculpture.
  • An alternate variant of the logo features it with better lighting with the monument's wheels visible. The background is a blue spotlight, and the company name is flat and cyan.
  • Another variant has the blue wall lighting positioned on the right.
    • On Легкие шаги, the wall lighting takes up the screen's top portion.
  • One variant has the upper portion of the bow one of the brothers are holding missing.

Technique: Traditional animation.

Audio: None.

Availability: It debuted on Борис Годунов (for the early variant) while the normal logo first appeared on Хочу зробити зізнання. The alternate variant (with the blue text) was seen on Мина Мазайло. Its last known appearance was on Роксолана's first serial. TV airings such as 2+2's showing of Гріх have this logo intact.

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