The Pearl City Films Ltd.

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


The Pearl City Films Ltd. was a film company from Hong Kong.

Logo (June 23-December 9, 1983)

Note: The jingle, as described below, can be heard here.

Visuals: On a blue starfield, there is a yellow filmstrip moving to the left, which then stops soon afterwards. A yellow circle with a cut on the left edge fades in on the filmstrip, followed by a yellow comet zooming towards the circle, which causes it to flash, causing a camera aperture to appear, completing the stylized letter "P". The aperture opens and closes as 2 glowing yellow lines slides in from the right and halts right next to it, causing to flash and reveal the Cantonese and English translation of the company name, which fades in.

Technique: Traditional animation.

Audio: A triumphant synthesized fanfare with some whooshes and laser zaps when the aperture opens and the comets and flashing twice and closing off with timpani hits.

Audio: There's a silent variant.

Availability: Appeared on The Last Affairs and other films.