Télévision Suisse Romande

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


Télévision Suisse Romande was a Swiss television network that launched on November 1, 1954. On January 1, 2010, they merged with RSR to create Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS).

1st Logo (1985-1987)

Visuals: On a time-lapse cloud background, a ball, consisting of multiple gold double diamond shapes split into four round pieces, floats around and then zooms into the camera. One of these diamonds transition the screen to a black background where various colorful cubic objects fly and spin around. In the center of this space is an orange platform with a slow spinning dodger blue cube and gray triangle comprised of squares laying on top of it. As the camera slowly zooms into it, a ball almost matching the one from earlier albeit with less diamond symbols bounce on one corner of the triangle. Then, the camera faces the center of the triangle where a side of the cube becomes a body of water. From here, the diamond symbol from earlier made up of magenta, cyan, green, and gold pieces fly into the center and flies out, revealing the same background of various floating objects from earlier. The sequence repeats and then stops after the diamond stops moving, leaving just the water background to ripple for the rest of the logo.

Technique: Live-action for the time-lapse cloud background and CGI for the floating objects.

Audio: A relaxing piano/synth theme.

Availability: It was used as a sign-off bumper.

2nd Logo (December 1985)

Visuals: In a gray room, there is a Christmas tree against a pink window. Four neon-colored objects, one of which resembles the logo from before in gold, fly and hands on the tree, posing as ornaments. Then, the channel's abbreviations in grat and a mostly filled font with the pink text "FÊTES ENSEMBLE" on top of it scroll in from the bottom right.

Technique: CGI.

Audio: A smooth piano/string soundtrack with a faster tempo than the previous logo. Throughout the logo, a male chorus can be heard.

3rd Logo (1987-1992)

Visuals: On a dimly lit dark blue background, multiple square glass panels fall down in a domino effect revealing the sky with several clouds around. As the screen zooms out, the panels combined form the same diamond symbol from earlier rotating counterclockwise. The logo zooms out and the background lights up, becoming a dark blue-blue gradient color. As the company name from before in a metallic texture scrolls in from the right while also slanted, the diamond logo quickly shrinks. Simultaneously, the channel's full name in a stacked format slides in underneath.

Technique: CGI.

Audio: A dreamy flute/piano tune accompanied with wind and whooshes

4th ID (August 27, 1990-1997)

Visuals: On a black background, a black box containing an abstract person with long hair is painted, becoming flat after finished. Soon after, an orange paint stroke flies in and curves around the logo before leaving the screen. Another paint stroke, this time in blue, fills a large portion of one of the person's hair strand, specifically the middle one. Then, another paint stroke in the same color as the first flies in and colors the box's background and the person's left-most hair strand. From the top center of the right side of the box, portions of it were painted blue before the company name in a painted font and stacked format appear with a white shadow. Lastly, the company's full name appears below.


  • There is a sign-off bumper containing this logo: the logo slightly zooms in and the box's background is painted blue. The person looks at the screen and then at the disappearing text. Then, an orange-blue-black cat formed from blue paint strokes is seen facing the logo and then slouching around. It rises up and disappears through the same effect. The person looks at the screen again with the full channel name appearing again underneath. Next, a orange-red petal flies and hangs on the person's back head. The latter fixes its eyes on the object as the petal flies over the now bald person. Now facing the camera again, the text pops out and in its place is "BoNNe NuiT!" in blue drawing itself in. The person closes its eyes, going to sleep as the shadows of flying birds are seen inside the box.
  • A custom ID is used for each day of the week. The known IDs are listed below:
    • Monday: Against a mostly cloudy background, there are floating lemons and a gold building zooming in from the bottom left. A lemonade containing the 1987 logo flies in, followed by the same logo on a wooden, direction street sign.
    • Thursday: Multiple copies of the logo in varying effects and with some text missing scroll down, forming an alternate version of the logo where the company's acronym is sitting to the left of the person in a white box. The person is within a square box filled with red, white, and blue colors. Lastly, "VENDREDI" in a blue, handwritten font and against a horizontal white box scrolls in from the right, obscuring the full channel name.
    • Saturday: The background paints in reverse, mostly showing a boxing bell on a green bar against a black background. The human's eye flies around and turns the wipes the company name into a black bar, in which it dissolves when a blue line is drawn. The line quickly changes to the orange word "SAMEDI" while a hammer hits the bell, creating a red burst which then changes to a promo of a certain program.
  • One variant has the logo zoom in and cover the whole screen. From here, the person blinks two times and then closes its eyes.
  • An in-credit version exists, consisting of a cropped version of the normal ident.

Technique: 2D animation.

Audio: A peaceful string tune in the background and a few ascending piano notes at the beginning. When the paint strokes fly in, a set of melodic hummingbird chirps play.

Availability: The in-credit variant was seen on Jeux sans frontières.

5th ID (1997-2006)

Visuals: On a white background sits either a blue dice with one dot, or an orange dice with two dots. Underneath it is the company's acronym and full name in lowercase and on the bottom of the screen. Both text are gray.


  • Like the previous logo, there is a sign off bumper using a different version of this logo. It starts off on a satellite view of Earth with a radial white gradient on the bottom half of the screen. From the top, a blue dice flies into the surface, followed by an orange dice. The background crossfades to white where the two dices are shown on top of the text; the blue one has one dot whereas the latter has two. They are standing on top of the same text from the normal logo, which appears through wiping. Also wiping on top of the dice is "bonne nuit" in gray.
  • There exists a clock ident where the two dices from the sign off ident are both mostly taking up the center of the screen and very small on the bottom right. The dots within the dices are bouncing around the cubes while a timecode keeps track of the time on the bottom left.

Technique: A still, computerized graphic.

Audio: A relaxing tune with a hip-hop beat

Audio Variant:

  • One version of this logo has a soothing chime soundtrack.
  • On the sign-off ident, a calm and dreamy theme plays with wind chimes briefly heard when the dices float in space.

6th ID (January 9, 2006-2010)

Visuals: On a white background with multiple transparent copies of a stylized "S", a blue female blows many red petals at the screen, one of which freezes and becomes the same "S" symbol in the background. Additionally, several letters forming "Bonjour" fly away from the center and form said word, which has also created another, larger copy in the background. The red S is also joined by a gray "t" and "r" as well as "télévision suisse" underneath. The logo, alongside "Bonjour", slowly zoom in while multiple transparent "S"'s scroll in the background. Simultaneously, "Bonjour" floats away with each letter changing character and soaring upwards individually. After that, the logo dissolves.

Variants: There are a few IDs that follow the same theme and style as the main ID itself:

  • One ID starts on the same background as the normal logo but now with bubbles floating around and a woman looking at the screen. She swipes one of the bubbles, bursting into multiple letters that form the described logo as well as two lines of text: "Laissez parler" and "vos envies". Some of these water bubbles have become droplets.
  • Another ID consists of many "S"'s of different sizes sliding from the left alongside red petals on the bottom. "bienvenue sur" is placed on the left center. A woman is seen touching the screen, flashing the red "S" and allowing the rest of the print logo to fade in. At this point, there are two copies of the "S" on the left and right-most sides of the screen slowly sliding upwards and downwards. For the rest of this ID, the gray text continuously becomes slightly transparent and then opaque.

Technique: A mix of live-action and 2D animation.

Audio: A dramatic electronic and string soundtrack.

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