Studio Z
1st Logo (1993-Late 1990's)
Visuals: On a white background, there is a black box on the top center with its top section gradually fading. While the bottom, stacked text "STUDIO Z PRODUCTION FOR MERIDIAN" fades in, the vertically stacked word "STUDIO" in white flips in one at a time within the left side of the box, alongside a quick countdown of the Latin alphabet in blue with a white stroke slowly flipping in, stopping at the letter Z.
Variant: A black background variant exists, consisting of just the logo with the white words "A" and "PRODUCTION" over and underneath it respectively.
Technique: 2D computer animation.
Audio: The ending theme of the program.
Availability: It was seen on Meridian programmes from the early 90's such as Ambulance and The Gettys: A Tragedy of Riches.
2nd Logo (Late 1990's-1998)
Visuals: Fairly identical to the previous logo except the black box is more transparent, "STUDIO" is wider, the letter "Z" has a blue gradient, the bottom text is in blue and a serif font, and the background is set to a cracked concrete texture.
Technique: A still, computerized graphic.
Audio: The ending theme of the program.
Availability: Was so far seen on Fashion Victim: The Last of the Guccis, which was preserved on VOD prints.