Momma O Productions

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


This is the logo for Love What You Do, a YouTube channel that makes learning fun.

Logo (February 11, 2012-)

Visuals: On a faded green background, there's a light green table with a pink pig plush on it. Next to the pig plush, there's a white-framed image of a woman (presumably one of Love What You Do’s creator’s mother) smiling and wearing a white dress. The white text “A MOMMA O PRODUCTION” is to the right of the image, with the smaller text “Copyright (year). All Rights Reserved.” below. The logo slowly fades in and the colours saturate.

Technique: None.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on a selection of "Love What You Do" videos on YouTube, like The Animal Alphabet Song.

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