Mirae Asset Capital

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


Mirae Asset Capital (Korean: 미래에셋캐피탈) is a subsidiary of the Mirae Asset Financial Group company founded by Hyeon Joo Park in 1997.

1st Logo (January 29-April 29, 2000)

Visuals: The camera moves above a blue sea while it rotates to a shot of the horizon. A white light appears and moves around, forming several lemniscate shapes. The light disappears, and the letters of "MIRAE ASSET" (with "ASSET" divided into two) appear moving up from the horizon. A flashing light then moves above the logo, and once it gets to the top-right corner, a curved red stripe is formed. The Hangul text appears below the logo. The sea background then fades out, leaving a black background.

Technique: CGI.

Audio: A peaceful piano theme with vocals, along with whooshing sounds. Both films featuring this logo have different pitches of the music.

Audio trivia: The music is actually a piece of Ar Erinn by Network Music Ensemble.

Availability: Its only appearances were on the films Chunhyang and The Anarchists.

2nd Logo (September 19, 2003)

Visuals: On a navy-cornflower blue radial gradient background, a tri-dimensional transparent cube appears, containing a plant in a dirt surface, that's against a rippling, reflective surface. The screen fades to the same scenery where three of the faces of the cube disassemble as the plant grows. The camera rises upwards, where one of the faces of the cube transform into small pieces as they go forward, where it then cuts to another scene where they settle altogether to form a pattern, and the camera zooms towards the middle of the pattern that leads to a deeper light blue hole. It then stops where the company's name in English and Hangul in navy are settled in. A stripe is drawn in, dividing "ASSET" into two, then a curved yellow stripe afterwards.

Technique: CGI.

Audio: A soft synth choir with sparkling notes. As it gets more lighter midway, a rising sparkling note plays in, ending with a loud whoosh.

Availability: Seen on Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring and a VHS release of The Aviator.

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