Kem Nunn Stories, Inc.

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


This is the production company of novelist and television writer Kem Nunn.

Logo (October 19, 2016-November 29, 2017)

Visuals: There is a blue postcard-esque design with a beach inside a circle and several different surfboards on either side nearby against a orange sky. There is a woman with brown hair and a black choker, looking at the camera. Below her is the white large text "POMONA QUEEN", and at the top right is a brown circle with two brown surfboards inside and the yellow text "KEM NUNN" and "STORIES, INC." both in an arc.

Trivia: The logo is a reference to Pomona Queen, a 1992 novel written by Nunn. It is also a reference to Nunn himself, who grew up in Pomona, California.

Technique: A still, digital graphic.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on Chance on Hulu.

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