Indra Film Productions & Dist

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum

Logo (January 11-August 2, 1981)

Visuals: On a cloudy red background, a wavy stylized red object zooms and settles in, revealed to be an outlined logomark of an interconnected "i", "j" and "p" - representing IFP. The P is formed by linear spirals. The logo then spirals around vector-style and then places into position, filled in red. "Indra Film Productions & Dist Sdn. Bhd." wipes in below. The logo then disappears, and "mempersembahkan" zooms from the center.

Technique: Scanimate effects.

Audio: A high-pitched synth warble going up for 16 octaves, sounding like the beginning of the Films Incorporated logo. A majestic orchestral sting once "mempersembahkan" zooms.

Availability: Only shown on Setinggan and Serampang tiga.

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