Indra Film Productions & Dist
From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum
Descriptions by
Captures by
Chow Woon Gan
Video captures courtesy of
Badoll Bobo
Captures by
Chow Woon Gan
Video captures courtesy of
Badoll Bobo
Logo (January 11-August 2, 1981)
Visuals: On a cloudy red background, a wavy stylized red object zooms and settles in, revealed to be an outlined logomark of an interconnected "i", "j" and "p" - representing IFP. The P is formed by linear spirals. The logo then spirals around vector-style and then places into position, filled in red. "Indra Film Productions & Dist Sdn. Bhd." wipes in below. The logo then disappears, and "mempersembahkan" zooms from the center.
Technique: Scanimate effects.
Audio: A high-pitched synth warble going up for 16 octaves, sounding like the beginning of the Films Incorporated logo. A majestic orchestral sting once "mempersembahkan" zooms.
Availability: Only shown on Setinggan and Serampang tiga.