From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum
Descriptions by
Captures by
inttrrxx and Kyrongenius1
Video captures courtesy of
Broken Saw and The AVTB Archives
Captures by
inttrrxx and Kyrongenius1
Video captures courtesy of
Broken Saw and The AVTB Archives
IMF was the international division of InterMedia Films.
Logo (2001-April 28, 2006)
Visuals: On a dark blue/purple background with some filmstrips, 2 spotlights move and brighten up along with the background with moving lights, the letters "IMF" zoom in, move and rotate on top. the words "INTERNATIONAL MEDIA AND FILM COMPANY" in a blue filled oblong shape flashes in while a light wipes in the notice saying "AN IMF PRESENTATION" with first "A", "IMF" and "P" bigger.
Variant: A print logo exists at the end of three films: Terminator 3, Basic Instinct 2 and RV.
Technique: CGI.
Audio: Piano music and a spark sound.
Availability: Seen on Slap Her, She's French and trailers for The Wedding Planner. The print version appears on Terminator 3, Basic Instinct 2 and RV.
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