Go Go Film Productions

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


Go Go Film Productions was a film company from Hong Kong.

1st Logo (September 2, 1983)

Visuals: There is the opening scene of Let's Make Laugh with the logo, which consists of four abstract shapes, two of them on the top and the rest of them on the bottom, all with a line on the center, and the words "高高電影有限公司攝製" and "GO GO PRODUCTIONS" beside the logo, superimposed on there.

Technique: Live-action for the superimposed footage.

Audio: The opening scene of the movie.

Availability: As seen only on the movie Let's Make Laugh.

2nd Logo (June 5, 1986)

Visuals: On a black background, the screen zooms out to reveal a black/blue gradient background as before with a blue light. The glowing black block rotates 90 degrees, revealing itself to be a movie camera. The lens and other parts collapse into the bottom part of the camera which extends and rounds out. As a flash makes the logo green and make two of the circles block out, two white lines draw themselves in as they flash to black. The Chinese translation "高高電影有限公司" flashes below and the words "GO GO FILM PRODUCTIONS CO, LTD." appear underneath.

Technique: Cel animation.

Audio: A catchy synth tune plays throughout the entire logo with a warp-like sound and synth xylophone notes, a synth choir, synth drums, and ending in a dreamy flourish.

Audio Variant: A silent version has been spotted.

Availability: So far, it is only seen on 100 Ways to Murder Your Wife. The silent version is seen on the trailer of said film.

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