Cesar's Way
From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum
(Redirected from Cesar’s Way)
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CLGCreator Returns!
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Broken Saw
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CLGCreator Returns!
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Video captures courtesy of
Broken Saw
Cesar's Way is a branding name for some of the content by Cesar Millan, who is a dog trainer.
Logo (March 6, 2015-November 1, 2017)
Visuals: Over a blue background is the text "Cesar'sWay" in a sans-serif font.
Variant: On some episodes, the background is white, with the text "way" and the apostrophe are blue and "cesar s" is grey. Plus, the logo is slightly modified.
Technique: A still graphic.
Audio: The ending theme of the show.
Availability: Seen on Mutt & Stuff on Nickelodeon.