Action Films International

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


Action Films International was a film company from Philippines.

Logo (May 9, 1980)

Visuals: On a black background, fire emerges. Then through the fire which is a black background, a black and white dragon forms in. It then throws a fire burst using its mouth, and then the screen cuts to the fire that it's throwing, sending the fire all over the screen. When the fire clears up, the dragon walks unto the center and then lifts up, sending another fire burst and repeating the same scene as before, but the fire doesn't completely clear the screen, instead, it forms some text, which is the orange "ACTION FILMS INTERNATIONAL". The dragon fades in on a Chinese-esque pose, while the text fades out for a brief second, and the whole logo fades in into a blue background. Now the dragon is white, while the text stands still.

Technique: 2D animation.

Audio: Sounds of the dragon and flames accompanied by a triumphant fanfare like you would hear on Dragon Ball.

Availability: Only seen on Kamandag ng Alakdan.

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